28 February 2010

Page Hill, Linden Park, Treefields, Waitrose circular run/walk, 2.5 miles

Another run/walk, this time on my own in a break in bad weather. It was cold but refreshing and I managed to run a fair way today, although still considerably more than half the distance was walked. I'm suffering often with a stitch in my side which you'll know is incredibly irritating. Apparently you can run through it after a couple of minutes which I'll try, and you can also either apply pressure or stop and touch your toes to get rid of the pain. I'll have to try these methods as the pain caused me to stop much earlier than I'd have liked and made it harder to motivate myself into starting up again after a rest.

The run really energised me. I'd spent most of the weekend lounging around and almost sleepwalked into my running gear. It's like something triggered inside and pushed me out of the door. This is a really, really good sign and I desperately want to keep up the good work with more exercise. My diet has been pretty poor recently and I've been turning to snacks and junk food as something of a rebellion and comfort as we've been very low on money of late. The energy and self-esteem gained from running is a great payback and I know that if I keep it up and work on improving my diet my extra weight will eventually be worked off.

Also, a fit running girl smiled and nodded at me. That's gotta be worth putting more effort in!