18 June 2010

Adstock, Thornborough, Nash, Thornton, Buckingham linear, 11.5 miles

Another individual walk with Walking for Wellbeing on a beautiful if cool late spring day. Much of the walk approaching Thornborough through Nash to Thornton was on new paths and most of it was lovely. I managed to leave my walking pole against a gatepost - the first time I've carried it collapsed and the first time I've left anything behind while walking other than a fleece which fell off my pack during my Cornish cliff walk.

I blame this lack of pole somewhat on my falling off a ditch plank into nettles and thorns, stinging my right arm, cheek and ear. While I wouldn't admit it to my companion the stings really hurt and it took a few minutes to find a dock leaf to sooth them. Even now, almost twelve hours later, there's a dull tickle where the stings were.

Dinner was taken by the old canal at Thornton, followed by a dusky walk back past Hyde Lane and Lock Meadow. The early crescent moon looked amazing through binoculars and Venus was present as more than a pinprick in the sky.