01 July 2010

Buckingham, Maids Moreton, Foscote, Leckhampstead, Akeley circular, 7.8 miles

The final walk with the first client for Walking for Wellbeing, this was the reverse of a walk I did at the end of May, and the walk which turned daughter off walking because it was closer to eight miles than the promised four-or-five.

We headed up Page Hill at a good pace to get our legs warmed-up, then through Maids Moreton rec and across the fields to the oak on the bend. Across more fields toward Foscote Manor where I spotted a Lesser Stag Beetle crossing the road – the first time I've ever seen one and an impressive little beast it was.

We stopped for a smoke on the tree stump where the grass had been recently cut and bailed for silage. The sun was particularly warm at this point although it got cooler as the breeze picked up and the evening wore on. We headed across lovely quiet fields towards Leckhampstead and past the point where I met Mrs Pheasant a few weeks ago then down the hill to the ford.

The client had asked if we could find somewhere to paddle and the spot where I stopped for a recharge, under the pylons next to the stream, seemed like a perfect place. When we arrived it was overgrown with thick green weed, making it a much less-attractive prospect so we stopped for a break and a chat and continued on. I knew there was another chance for a paddle past the farm and when we arrived it was perfect. We kicked off our boots and socks and took to the cool, refreshing water. We spotted Water Forget-me-nots with their blue and yellow flowers, and Brooklime with their similar purple-to-yellow petals. After a paddle we stopped for dinner and more conversation then carried on to Akeley.

As we got into the village it was announced that my companion's grandparents were buried in the graveyard so we paid them a visit, wandering around the graves until we found their headstone. I cut three seed heads from a rose bush that was growing on their grave so she could plant them in her garden and after a moment's contemplation we walked on. We charged down the long hill and up the other side and into Maids Moreton to complete the walk.

This was lovely. Not only is it a nice and varied route with lots to see and some good variety in terrain but there was good company and nice outcomes to our conversations.