09 May 2010

Brailes circular, 8.5 miles

Other than a cold northerly wind, stunning views and an extensive badger set, this walk around Brailes was reasonably unremarkable. A few good hills marked the route with Castle Hill being the first we climbed affording us a great view. Brailes Hill is the second highest point in Warwickshire but there's no footpath to the top so we couldn't climb it. There were some nice spots and we managed a good pace for the terrain of 2.8mph. It wasn't a very exciting walk and initially quite short so we extended it. The last mile or so were through a golf course, which was nice enough but felt somewhat restricting.

It's nice to see my body is now completely at ease with this kind of terrain, distance and pace. I haven't suffered any aches or pains from this walk and only got a couple of very minor blisters on my feet. When working hard, my pulse and breathing rate are considerably less than they were this time a year ago so it's great to see the results of all this walking!