23 May 2010

Great Hampden circular, 7.6 miles

This was a cracking walk with unseasonal hot weather approaching 30 degrees. Mum thought it prudent to spend much of the day in woodland which was a good idea and one I'll transfer to my own walks in future. There were hundreds of butterflies and bugs, the ramsons, also known as wild garlic, and Jack-by-the-Hedge, or garlic mustard, were out in force and both taste absolutely divine. I can now spot these in the field by their leaves and flowers and I'm quite pleased with myself for this. I've bought Collins Gem books identifying wild flowers, insects and trees, to join the bird and foraging books I carry around with me. The rape was in full bloom, bazillions of buttercups and purple clover flowers covered the meadows. Ferns were uncurling in the woods, we saw kites and buzzards and a roe deer. The route itself was notable for a few hills, in particular the final one we came down which would have been a real challenge had we gone the other way around.